About the project

CHIC in Action! project deals with foreign language learning through culture. European Year of Cultural Heritage has placed the wealth of European cultural heritage in the centre of attention, showcasing its role in the preservation of shared European identity and building the future of Europe. According to a new study by Eurobarometer, most Europeans believe that cultural heritage is not only important for them personally, but also for their community, region, country and the European Union as a whole. All participant countries – Croatia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, and Spain – are coastal European countries. The sea and coast represent natural borders that, depending on one’s approach, may divide or unite, which is why project partners decided to start a project where culture is used as a tool in foreign language teaching. English was chosen as the lingua franca, since it is taught in all partner institutions. Communication in English will develop not only through talking about English culture (which we are used to), but also by discovering the cultural heritage of project partners’ countries.

The goal of this project is to improve the offer in adult education, as well as teachers’ competencies.

The courses will be focused on the improvement of communication skills in English, intercultural understanding, and communication based on the discovery of partner countries’ local cultural heritage.



01/10/2018 – 30/11/2020



Adult Education Institution Dante, Croatia


European Regional Framework for Co-operation, Greece

International Language School, Italy

Valodu Mape SIA, Latvia

Instituto de Educação e Formação do Sorraia, Lda., Portugal

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Río Vero, Spain