About the project

V.O.L.C.A.N.O project aims to develop and test knowledge of inactive members of minorities, migrants and refugees, who are required to know a second or additional language to enter the labour market in the sector of social services and healthcare in the host country. Through this project, a training for nursing home and home care assistants for seniors will be provided.

The project will include testing of language level, skills and competencies as required by the respective sector, which will be combined with language courses (with emphasis on the profession) and acquisition of practical learning experience. The project will be based on examples of best practices and verified methodologies that have already been tested in Great Britain.

This project will develop the much-needed standardised system for evaluation of professional competencies and language skills for employment of the target group in the healthcare sector. The project will contribute to overcoming obstacles this target group is faced with when it comes to employment in general.





01/11/2015 – 01/11/2017


Folkeuniversitetet Øst, Norway


Bridges Programmes, UK

Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V., Germany

Associazione N.E.T. Networking Education & Training, Italy

Adult Education Institution Dante, Croatia