About the project

DigiS project deals with education of retirees and senior citizens. The project focuses on the advancement of teachers’ skills in regard to teaching methods aimed at familiarising seniors with digital technologies, so as to be better equipped to deal with life’s challenges. Teachers will, thus, show to learners how to shop, arrange social events, business meetings, and even pay bills via digital tools.

The DigiS project will work on the development and implementation of innovations in the area of digital literacy, thus forming quality and concrete outcomes for citizens above 55 years of age. Within the project, 120 seniors will be taught in their respective countries, and the results will be tested and shared between project participants. Partner institutions will identify current needs in the teaching of basic digital competencies for citizens above 55 years of age, while also developing ideas and innovations for achieving said outcomes.



11/12/2017 – 10/12/2019


Konya Meram Halk Egitim Merkezi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu, Turkey


Adult Education Institution Dante, Croatia

Vardakeios School of indigent children, Greece

Asociacija Apkabink Europa, Lithuania

Balgarska Agentsiya za Razvitie, Bulgaria

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia, Romania