About the project

“Digital Clil for All” project will strengthen adults’ digital and multilingual skills. These key competencies support the ability to participate in social life, broaden employment possibilities and improve citizens’ social and professional conditions.

According to the EU Council recommendations for 2018, these key competencies also have the property of enabling one to acquire and increase knowledge during their entire life. Latest reports show that Europe is still behind in this respect, especially when it comes to adults: 44% of citizens possess basic digital skills, while only 32.2% know one additional language besides their mother tongue.

Considering the importance of lifelong strengthening of transferable skills and the results of studies suggesting a low level of digital and multilingual skills of adults, DigiClil4all project is aimed at creating a new adult teaching methodology. The Digital Clil method integrates the CLIL approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning), whereby another language is used to transmit non-linguistic disciplines, by means of ICT, thus improving the digital dimension of teaching.

The general goal of this project, therefore, is to improve and strengthen digital and language skills of adult learners so as to increase their participation on the labour market and within European society.






DOREA, Cyprus

DomSpain, Spain

Adult Education Institution Dante, Croatia

Asociatia Bridge Language Study House, Romania

EBIT, Italy

Progeu, Italy